Tuesday, December 2, 2014

De fiesta toda la noche en Lima, Perú

La mayoría de los clubs, bares y otros lugares de fiesta en Lima, Perú, operan hasta ya muy tarde, permitiéndote continuar la fiesta por muchas, muchas horas. Algunos de ellos abordan al público muy joven, algunos otros a la gente en los 30 o un poco más; unos pocos se conocen como los paraderos. Pero todos los clubes incluidos en esta lista oferta excelente música, bebidas de primera calidad, espectáculos en vivo, y la posibilidad de divertirse toda la noche.

La mayoría de los clubes están ubicados en Miraflores y Barranco, como Vale Todo o Tequila Rock, que puede ser conveniente para usted: pero también hemos incluido una en San Borja y uno en Lima Centro, en caso de que se encuentre dentro o cerca de los barrios , o si simplemente quieres probar algo diferente. Todos estos clubes se encuentran en lugares relativamente seguros, con cámaras de vigilancia y guardias de seguridad.

Sin embargo, vamos a hacer algunas aclaraciones, ya que la etiqueta de "night club" puede ser un poco confuso aquí en Lima; en realidad, la mayoría de los lugares que se definen como "clubes nocturnos" en Lima son en realidad burdeles hecho disfrazados. Somos conscientes del hecho de que los negocios de diversión para adultos tienen una gran demanda en la actualidad.

Thursday, November 20, 2014



En diez años, aún no he podido encontrar un inversionista realmente exitoso que no tenga el apoyo de sus seres queridos. Debido a que sus actividades de bienes raíces generalmente involucran el gasto de (con la promesa de devolverlo) muchos miles de dólares en una sola operación, y debido a que su negocio tomará tiempo que estaba reservado su familia.
Creo que es muy importante sentarse y hablar con cada uno de los miembros de la familia que sea lo suficientemente mayor como para comer sólo y explicarles lo que usted está haciendo y porque es tan importante para usted contar con su ayuda o al menos con su comprensión. Si usted tiene una pareja que está renuente a permitirle que usted tome una segunda hipoteca para invertir en aquella casa que usted tanto quiere, envíela o envíelo a realizar un curso acerca de inversiones. Algunos de los miedos de sus seres queridos son muy naturales, pero se disiparán cuando ellos comprendan lo que usted está haciendo.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Outlook for the pPeruvian roperty sector in 2014

Although the sale of apartments fell last year, is now expected in 2014 would regain normal. For the office sector would also be a good year. Only the lack of land in the capital and bureaucratic barriers might affect the rapid development of new projects.

For the first time in two years, construction was contracted during the last month of September (-1.34%), however, 2013 was a year of strong real estate activity; while in 2014, with new housing and office projects in the portfolio, and is ready to resume the show.

Only if the building sector, the Real Estate Developers Association (ADI) is projected to grow 8.7% this year, well above the 6.8% that was estimated for 2013.

However, the problems would not be foreign to the real estate sector, which would in land acquisition according to the involved-own, one of the main barriers to continue the takeoff.

Is there room?

And, with a growing economy, finding new spaces for the construction of apartments, houses and offices has become one of the main problems in construction and real estate. A situation that has impacted meaningfully on its cost structure, especially in recent years.

Only in the case of companies engaged in the construction of social housing, as referred to Viva GyM, high land costs have become a major difficulty to the point that they have come to affect their margins gain.

So would the builders and real estate developers in prime office, which more than once have called attention to the disproportionate increase in prices per m2 of land that would serve for this purpose.


To which I would add, as Capeco red tape (administrative and regulatory) for approval of projects in municipalities and governing bodies says,; and the absence of land management models that enable the incorporation of large areas (in areas of expansion or densification) to the market to develop real estate megaprojects.

In addition to other challenges such as lack (or downgrade) of urban plans that prevents the generation of new urban land; and practicalities of growing for water and sewer and power, especially in the regions.


Despite all the above, the expectations are quite promising. Only in the case of primes office market, the emergence of new projects, reaffirmed its growth, so continue adding more square feet in districts such as Lynx, Surquillo, La Molina and La Victoria, on their way to become part of the current supply.

While on the side of homes, ADI Peru and projects a clear recovery in 2014, with growth range between 10 and 12%.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Peru chocolate is one of the best in the world

In the month of October for the third year celebrates the Day of the Peruvian Cacao and Chocolate (established by the Ministry of Agriculture), and October 1 this country had good news: the International Chocolate Awards announced the finalists of its issue 2014, among which are two mentions for Cacaosuyo and Dreams of Eva Peruvians.

The third edition of this independent competition that recognizes excellence in the world's finest chocolates met the most knowledgeable people as jury and chocolate were the contestants who qualified for a whole entire week of competition.

Cacaosuyo bars highlighted in categories of black / chocolate origin and black chocolate bars flavored with chocolate filling and also the dream of eva had several mentions.

Then qualify all countries got the gold, silver and bronze where the Peruvian chocolate stay in the top 5 among many participating countries.